Estimate documentation is essential for planning and analysis of costs connected to the further operations in design and control of construction budget. It is a mandatory, crucial and most expected chapter of any large design for construction, reconstruction or modernisation of facilities.
Personnel of skilled and experienced engineers develop the estimates of any complexity and any purpose
All intermediate and final settlements between the customer and contracting organisation and of course the Investor are done in accordance with the estimate documentation. It serves as a beacon that allows (regardless of the conditions of market economy when the cost of construction and installation or repair operations is negotiated) negotiating and signing the contracts. Of course the estimate documentation is not required when concluding a small works contract. But nevertheless the customer of the facility may require the estimate document from the potential contractor with the certain details of future costs. Preparation of estimate documentation is almost always mandatory for companies that wish to get a large construction contract. The estimates may be conventionally divide into several main categories:
- Summary estimates;
- Facility dependent estimates;
- Local estimates.
Upon availability of the detailed design of future construction our engineers will perform the full set of operations to obtain the most accurate calculation of budget required for project implementation. If necessary they may develop the facility dependent, summary or local estimates for a facility, including the estimate documentation for conduction of survey works. If the financing for construction or reconstruction is made from several resources, each will have the additional summary of costs connected to certain types of work to be financed.